Dandelion - API Documentation - Ĉeesto

Module name: cheesto



Endpoint: /api/cheesto/read

Method: GET

Parameters: [uid]

Parameter Type Default Required
uid int   false

Description: Get the statuses for Ĉeesto enabled users. If uid is given, only that user’s status will be returned.

Example Return Data:

	"data": {
		"statuses": [{
			"id": "1",
			"user_id": "1",
			"fullname": "Admin",
			"status": "0",
			"message": "",
			"returntime": "00:00:00",
			"modified": "2015-01-06 16:16:58",
			"disabled": "0"
		"statusOptions": [
			"Away From Desk",
			"At Lunch",
			"Out for Day",
			"Do Not Disturb",
			"Out Sick",

Returned Values:

Per User

  • id (int) - Ĉeesto ID of user
  • user_id (int) - ID of associated user
  • fullname (string) - Name of user
  • status (int) - ID of status (associated with index of statusOptions)
  • message (string) - Away message
  • returntime (string, time) - Time set by user of their return to “Available”
  • modified (string, datetime) - When the status was last modified
  • disabled (bool) - Whether the cheesto account is disabled


  • statusOptions (array) - List of available statuses. Their index constitues the “status” field for a user

Permissions Needed:

  • Read Ĉeesto

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Endpoint: /api/cheesto/update

Method: POST

Parameters: [uid], [message], [status], [returntime]

Parameter Type Default Required
uid int   false
message string Empty false
status string ‘Available’ false
returntime string ‘00:00:00’ false

Description: Update the status of user uid (defaults to ID of API key user). If this request is sent with no parameters, it will assign the user to the status of ‘Available’ with an empty message and return time of ‘00:00:00’.

Example Return Data:

	"data": "Success or error message"

Returned Values:

  • data (string) - User displayable string if the save was successful or not

Permissions Needed:

  • Update Ĉeesto
  • Edit user (if uid is given)

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Endpoint: /api/cheesto/statustexts

Method: GET

Parameters: None

Description: Get the available status texts as defined in the app configuration.

Example Return Data:

	"data": [
		"Away From Desk",
		"At Lunch",
		"Out for Day",
		"Do Not Disturb",
		"Out Sick",

Returned Values:

  • data (array) - List of available statuses. Their index constitues the “status” field for a user

Permissions Needed:

  • None

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