Dandelion - API Documentation - Key Management

Module name: keymanager



Endpoint: /api/key/get

Method: POST

Parameters: None

Description: Gets the api key of the use associated with the request. Yes right now it’s useless, but soon it won’t be.

Example Return Data:

	"data": "apikey123456"

Permissions Needed:

  • None

Dandelion Version

  • 6.1.0

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Endpoint: /api/key/test

Method: GET

Parameters: None

Description: Tests that the apikey is valid. This is a useful endpoint for extensions. An easy way to check the success is to check the errorcode field of the return object. A value of 0 means success, other values indicate failure.

Example Return Data:

	"data": true

Permissions Needed:

  • None

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Endpoint: /api/key/revoke

Method: POST

Parameters: [uid]

Parameter Type Default Required
uid int User ID false

Description: Revoke the API key for the user with uid. The default value for uid is the ID associated with the API key being used to make the request. Because of this, if uid is not defined, the key being used will no longer be valid.

Example Return Data:

	"data": true

Permissions Needed:

  • Edit user (not needed to revoke user’s own key)

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Endpoint: /api/key/generate

Method: POST

Parameters: None

Description: Generate a new key for user who is associated with the apikey being used.

Example Return Data:

	"data": "the new key"

Returned Values:

  • data (string) - The regenerated API key (length: 40 char)

Permissions Needed:

  • None

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