Installing Dandelion


  • Apache or Nginx web server
    • mod_rewrite must be enabled for Apache
  • PHP >= 5.4.0
  • MySQL/Maria DB

Dandelion has only been tested on Ubuntu with Apache and Nginx. Other combos may work but YMMV.

Install From Build - Easiest

Installing Dandelion is an easy and simple task. Just follow these steps and you’ll be up and running in no time.

  1. Download the latest version from the Releases page.
  2. Extract the archive where ever you like
  3. Create a database in MySQL/MariaDB to house Dandelion.
  4. Setup your web server to use the public directory under Dandelion as its root. Under the app/install directory is a sample configuration for Nginx and Apache2. For apache, you will need to enable mod_rewrite and install the apache2 PHP5 module. For Nginx, you will need to install the php-fpm package.
  5. Browse to http://[dandelion server]/install.php.
  6. Fill out the information, asterisks mark required fields.
  7. Click Finish Install
  8. If it was successful, you’ll be redirected to the login page of Dandelion. Login with:

    Username: admin
    Password: admin

    and change the password when prompted.

  9. Congratulations! You’ve now installed Dandelion. Go and make your first log.

Example (Ubuntu, Nginx):

$ mkdir -p /var/www
$ cd /var/www
$ wget
$ tar zvxf dandelion-v6.0.3.tar.gz
$ [configure web server to serve the public directory]

Now browse to http://[dandelion hostname]/install.php to finish the installation.

Install From Source - Installer Page

Installing Dandelion is an easy and simple task. Just follow these steps and you’ll be up and running in no time.

  1. Grab a copy of Dandelion of Github.
  2. Run composer install --no-dev from the root Dandelion directory. If you don’t have Composer installed please see the Getting Started guide. This will install PHP dependencies.
  3. Run npm install && ./node_modules/.bin/gulp. This will compile the TypeScript and stylesheets.
  4. Create a database in MySQL/MariaDB to house Dandelion.
  5. Setup your web server to use the public directory under Dandelion as its root. Under the app/install directory is a sample configuration for Nginx and Apache2. For apache, you will need to enable mod_rewrite and install the apache2 PHP5 module. For Nginx, you will need to install the php-fpm package.
  6. Browse to http://[dandelion server]/install.php.
  7. Fill out the information, astericks mark required fields.
  8. Click Finish Install
  9. If it was successful, you’ll be redirected to the login page of Dandelion. Login with:

    Username: admin
    Password: admin

    and change the password when prompted.

  10. Congratulations! You’ve now installed Dandelion. Go and make your first log.

Example (Ubuntu, Nginx):

$ mkdir -p /var/www
$ cd /var/www
$ git clone
$ cd dandelion
$ git checkout tags/v6.0.3
$ composer install --no-dev
$ npm install && ./node_modules/.bin/gulp
$ cp app/install/Nginx-sample-config.conf /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
$ service nginx restart

Now browse to http://[dandelion hostname]/install.php to finish the installation.

Install From Source - Completely Manually

Sometimes we just want to do things ourselves. And that’s fine! Here’s the verbose way of installing Dandelion without using our install page.

  1. Grab a copy of Dandelion off GitHub. Either via a source download from the web UI or from the git command.
  2. Import the file mysql_schema.sql located under the app/install directory into a database table. Dandelion currently only supports MySQL/MariaDB. Supporting other databases is in the works.
  3. Copy config.sample.php under app/config to config.php under the same folder. Use your favorite text editor (ie. Vim) and edit the configuration to fit your environment. The comments in the file explain what each setting is. Also look at the config.defaults.php to see all available options. Don’t change the defaults file, make any changes in your own config file.
  4. Run composer install --no-dev from the root Dandelion directory. If you don’t have Composer installed please see the Getting Started guide.
  5. Run npm install && ./node_modules/.bin/gulp. This will compile the javascript and stylesheets.
  6. Setup your web server to use the public directory under Dandelion as its root. Under the app/install directory is a sample configuration for Nginx and Apache2. For apache, you will need to enable mod_rewrite and install the apache2 PHP5 module. For Nginx, you will need to install the php-fpm package.
  7. Browse to your Dandelion install in a web browser and login with:

    Username: admin
    Password: admin
  8. Dandelion will prompt you to change the password, change it to something you’ll remember then login again.
  9. Congratulations! You’ve now installed Dandelion. Go and make your first log.

Example (Ubuntu, Nginx):

$ mkdir -p /var/www
$ cd /var/www
$ git clone
$ cd dandelion
$ git checkout tags/v6.0.3
$ mysql -u [username] -p
mysql> CREATE DATABASE [some name];
mysql> exit;
$ mysql -u [username] -p [some name] < app/install/mysql_schema.sql
$ cp app/config/config.sample.php app/config/config.php
$ vim app/config/config.php
$ composer install --no-dev
$ npm install && ./node_modules/.bin/gulp
$ cp app/install/Nginx-sample-config.conf /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
$ service nginx restart